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Seven Hills honors Lifers with Lunch

The third annual Lifers Lunch honored the 29 members of the Class of 2024, who spent their entire education at Seven Hills. To be a lifer, a graduating senior must have started at Seven Hills in at least the first grade. But some started as early as pre-kindergarten for 2-year-olds and spent 15 years at Seven Hills.

“One of the great joys of being a school is watching the arc of people’s lives and seeing how they grow up. It has really been a pleasure of my life to watch the people in this room grow in so many ways,” said Head of School Chris Garten, who began his career at Seven Hills the same time as the lifers and is retiring at the end of this school year.

Director of Development Margo Kirstein thanked the seniors’ parents for entrusting Seven Hills with their children for so long. Each lifer was gifted a plaque with their school photo from their first year at Seven Hills and a group photo taken this year with their fellow Doherty or Lotspeich Lower School lifers.

Max Gollobin ’09, a member of the Alumni Board, encouraged the lifers to cherish the sense of community and value of what they experienced during their time at Seven Hills.

“You guys are part of what makes this community so great and I hope you stay in touch in the years to come,” Gollobin said.