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Signature Programs

Inspired by our future-focused educational philosophy, our carefully honed signature programs set Seven Hills apart.

"Our top-notch academic, athletic, and enrichment programs, coupled with our supportive culture and community, allow students to pursue their emerging interests in deep and meaningful ways."

Matthew Bolton, Ph.D. Head of School


In impassioned class discussions, painstaking data gathering and analysis, and innovative problem-solving, our students acquire the habits of mind they will need to excel—not only in college, but also in 21st century workplaces. Guided by our teachers, these learning experiences help students acquire a lifelong aptitude for thinking more deeply, pushing further, and reaching higher, not only in a school setting but in the collaborative workplaces that lie ahead of them.

Our faculty are deeply committed to innovative methods for student learning, both in and out of the classroom. It’s why they continually evolve their curricula with new content, new methods, and new approaches: to keep students engaged and excited about the material, every single day. This approach also means that our students do more than just participate; they play an active role in shaping their own learning. We always want to know: What’s catching their attention? What project was their favorite, or which one left them wanting more? Are they drawn to design thinking, or curious about other cultures? As responsive as they are rigorous, our signature programs draw inspiration from time-tested methods as well as from leading educational research at Harvard and Stanford. These signature experiences, part of a comprehensive, intentionally designed education,  ensure that your student will leave Seven Hills confident and ready to dive into what’s next.

Our Signature Programs

Active Learning

By keeping our students engaged as active participants in their own learning process, we ensure that they’re ready take on challenges and confident that they can forge their own way.

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Global Awareness

We think learning one new language is just the start of understanding other cultures. By taking a global lens and applying it to advanced subjects, as well as understanding the connectedness of multiple languages, we build global awareness in our students.

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Design Thinking

In our schoolwide makerspaces and through our innovative Design Thinking programs, students can brainstorm, plan, create, and test ideas, nurturing creativity, engagement, and entrepreneurship.

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Learning Support

Because every individual student learns differently, we treat their educational experience as individual, too. Our talented faculty, ably assisted by counselors and learning specialists, are committed to making each student’s learning experience as fruitful as it can be.

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Social and Emotional Learning

We care about each student as a complete, complex individual. From friendship building to self-expression, we invest time and energy into making sure your student is confident, able to work with others, and happy and healthy overall.

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Experiential Learning

We believe that your student’s interests and academic passions should be connected with real, tangible experiences, even if they extend beyond the boundaries of our campus or the school year. We’re committed to providing the opportunities they need to feel prepared for a larger world of experience.

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Immersive Arts

We think participating in the arts is an essential part of living a rich, satisfying life and a key element in a well-rounded education. It’s why we have a wide variety of outlets for your student to shape their artistic skills, each led by faculty with broad expertise.

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Full-Participation Athletics

With our no-cut athletic program and mission-driven coaching philosophy, we seek to provide for all students, not just the most gifted athletes, the benefits of a team experience: the chance to learn commitment, teamwork, and a sense of fair play.

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In all four school divisions, these signature programs provide opportunities for your child to dive deeper into his or her unique interests and to unlock his or her full potential. The form these programs take differs for each age group, to best match where they are in their Seven Hills journey.



Early Childhood

Pre-k for 2-year-olds through kindergarten

For this age group, the programs are focused on the five domains of early childhood development: social and emotional, language, cogitative, sensory and motor, and creative skills. Through carefully curated experiences, your child gains understanding and abilities in a way that makes learning joyful and stimulating.

Click here to learn more about how our Signature Programs come to life in Early Childhood.

Lower School

Grades 1 through 5

These programs introduce subject matter through real, direct experiences, showing students that following their imaginations and taking on challenges leads to endless discovery. They begin to immerse themselves in our makerspaces, to understand how math applies outside the textbook, to experience the Spanish language, and to learn the benefits of collaborating with others.

Click here to learn more about how our Signature Programs come to life in Lower School.

Middle School

Grades 6 through 8

This is a time where students begin to embrace their emerging individuality, but they are also discovering the importance of relationships and working together. By combining out-of-classroom experiences like class retreats, extracurricular clubs, and immersive field trips with project-based learning, research reports, and presentations, our Middle Schoolers have countless opportunities to form tight bonds of mutual respect with their classmates.

Click here to learn more about how our Signature Programs come to life in Middle School.

Upper School

Grades 9 through 12

These programs reach their culmination in our Upper School when students have the chance to spend their time and energy on particular subjects, more fully exploring the passions they might carry through to college or to their lives beyond. 

Together, these signature programs tie together learning experiences in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and the arts. They foster such skills as critical thinking, creative problem-solving, teamwork, and application of knowledge in the real world. In short, these signature programs add depth and texture to your student’s learning journey.

Click here to learn more about how our Signature Programs come to life in Upper School.