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Nurturing the Whole Child

We want our students to explore all aspects of themselves, not just as students, but as people, so we offer the broadest possible array of experiences to learn and grow.

Guided by our Educational Philosophy, we encourage students to try everything, to take risks, to learn all they are and all they can be. Ultimately, we want to help our students find their unique path to purpose and to a meaningful and fulfilling life. 

That is why we offer the widest possible range of experiences, not just in academics, but in the arts, athletics, and co-curricular programs. That is why we seek, continually, to broaden students’ horizons with a host of extracurricular experiences, field trips and internships, global travel, and enrichment programs.

As our students mature, our teachers encourage them to reflect on their experiences, to understand what excites them, what they love, and who they want to be.

This program of guided self-discovery culminates in the Upper School, with our signature Experiential Learning program, including Challenge Experience, the May Term Intensives, the Civic Engagement Seminars, and the opportunity to pursue a Concentration.

A Great Experience — For Everybody

Meet Collin, Jaden, Gigi, and Elsa! 
Students thrive in a diverse community, teaming with innovative learning experiences, where curriculum is exciting and meets them where they are.


Lower School Parents on Seven Hills’ Whole Child Education

“We have three children with very different learning styles. It’s been extraordinary to watch the way that Doherty School has met these children and really seen their strengths.”

— Heather, Doherty Lower School parent

“I know that Seven Hills is a place where my kids are getting exposure to the way of learning that is going to enable them to learn at every level.”

— Chuck, Lotspeich Lower School parent

“We really respected that Seven Hills was mostly about challenging kids to really love learning. I’ve seen time and time again my kids learn that it’s not about being the best at what they’re trying but rather making sure they try to do their best. We really appreciate that Seven Hills pushes kids to enjoy what they’re learning, not just learning the basic facts.”

— Jared, Doherty Lower School parent

Nurturing the Whole Child

Here’s a glimpse of how the program is set up, in each division, to help students develop all aspects of themselves.

Early Childhood and Lower School

Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 5

Starting in our Early Childhood classrooms, students explore new interests and develop new abilities through a rotation of specials. To supplement their daily classroom experiences in core disciplines, students in pre-kindergarten for 2-year-olds  through fifth grade have regular exposure to specials— including art, music, drama, Spanish, media and technology skills, and physical education—each taught by subject specialists in richly equipped learning spaces. Students explore creativity and innovation in our makerspaces and develop social skills and emotional resilience through teachable moments in guidance classes. In addition, the Lower School offers a wide array of enrichment programs both after school and through the summer program. Wherever their interests may lie, our early childhood and Lower School students get the chance to try it all, enjoying every step along the way.

Middle School

Grades 6 Through 8

The Middle School offers a similarly broad array of co-curricular programs in art, music, drama, creative writing, and physical education. Students can hone their design thinking skills in the Innovation Lab and develop greater confidence through developmental guidance classes in advisory.  

Beyond these required activities, as students become more self-aware, they have a chance to pursue individual interests by participating in a broad spectrum of optional clubs and activities, as well as after school performing arts ensembles and competitive athletic teams.

This gives Middle Schoolers opportunities to take a deeper dive into what they enjoy outside of the classroom.

Upper School

Grades 9 Through 12

In Upper School, students have even more opportunities to explore new interests or to focus on what they truly love to do.

In the academic realm, they can choose from more than 100 elective and special interest courses, design an independent study, or even declare a Concentration. They can join one of more than three dozen student-led clubs, or create one of their own. They can participate in a host of after school commitments, from performing arts groups, to community service and social entrepreneurship, to school publications and academic competitions.

Through our signature Experiential Learning program, students are guided to explore new interests, reflect on past experiences, and pursue their passions in a more focused, intentional way. Each Upper School student completes both a robust community service project and a self-designed Challenge Experience project, an in-depth exploration of any interest area they choose. Students are also presented with out-of-school experiences, summer work or travel, internships, or enrichment programs options that might comprise a Concentration. The goal is to help students develop their unexplored potential.