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Seraphine Schomber

Lotspeich Lower School Counselor
B.A. Psychology, Anderson University
M.A. Mental Health Counseling, University of Cincinnati

Teaching Philosophy

Important Skills I Want to Teach My Students

So often school focuses on the academic—reading, writing, math, etc. But guidance is a special time to teach social emotional skills like we would teach any other skill. I love instilling my students with skills that will help them continue to develop as people and individuals, as learners, friends, and citizens. In my opinion, learning to self-regulate, resolve conflict, accept and appreciate your gifts and the differences of others are all invaluable life lessons that I get to help our students learn during very pivotal stages of development.

Teaching Methods to Reach These Goals

I use a lot of bibliotherapy (reading books to introduce concepts or skills), play therapy, cognitive behavioral methods, and experiential learning practices. No matter the age of the student I am working with—from two years to 12—the kids love being read to, playing games, role playing, and learning hands-on. I try to balance fun with learning in each guidance class so that it is a class where every student can feel confident and successful.

My Favorite Projects

I have different favorite activities for every grade level. Some that stand out the most are making “listening ear” headbands with pre-kindergarteners, taking our first-graders to “personal space camp,” learning about empathy with Mojo in second grade, helping third grade connect perseverance with famous people they admire who have had to overcome incredible obstacles, learning about conflict resolution and communication skills in fourth grade with “I statements” and interpersonal communication, and helping the fifth-graders discover what their learning style is and how to be better and more effective students.

What I Like Best About Teaching at Seven Hills

I love the opportunity to help so many different students with various experiences and talents embrace themselves and appreciate all that they have to offer the world around them. I love being a safe place for our young students who need emotional and social support because learning can’t take place unless a child first feels safe. School isn’t a place that every child naturally succeeds and shines in, so I love to find the students who wouldn’t normally “shine” in the school setting and find ways that they can stand out in a positive way and feel successful and recognized.