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Kiki Schneider

Lotspeich Lower School Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
B.S. Early Childhood Education, Ohio University
M.Ed. Educational Administration, Xavier University

Teaching Philosophy

Important skills I want to teach my students

I want my students to develop skills that will help them become responsible, caring individuals. I want the children to learn more about who they are and what they are capable of.

Teaching methods to reach these goals

As a teaching professional, I am responsible for preparing the students to be productive and influential people. The students need to find out where their talents lie and how they go about expressing themselves. It’s important to me to create an environment that is compassionate, productive, and respectful.

My favorite projects

My favorite time of the year is spring. In pre-kindergarten, there is a wide variety of projects that deal with the changing season, including observing caterpillars grow and change into butterflies. The children love to watch how so many things in our environment change and grow.

What I like best about teaching at Seven Hills

I love teaching at The Seven Hills School because of the children and their families. Our school feels like a very supportive and collaborative community. It’s a wonderful feeling to come to work every day and love what I do.