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Karen Lawrence

Doherty Lower School Pre-Kindergarten Teacher
B.S. Early Childhood Education, Miami University

Teaching Philosophy

Important skills I want to teach my students

In teaching young children, I find the classroom to be an extension of their home. I want to teach young children how to be part of a whole family or a class while still being individuals. This means teaching a child to listen to others and hear their opinions within a learning environment, helping them navigate the classroom with patience for others who are trying to do the same thing, and reminding a child to be kind to others.

Teaching methods to reach these goals

Helping my students to see the natural consequences of their actions seems to be the most direct way to help them understand their surroundings and their relationships with others.

My favorite projects

One of my favorite projects is the color unit which is wonderful for the children since there are a lot of experiments and mixing. At the end of the unit, each child paints his or her own color wheel. It takes a lot of time to create each wheel, but the children’s sense of accomplishment is evident, and the color mixing concept is really embedded.

What I like best about teaching at Seven Hills

For me, the best thing about working at Seven Hills is the feeling that I have many people looking out for me! It’s like having a really big family. It’s like home!