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Jennifer Licata

Middle School Science Teacher & Team 6 Leader
B.S. Biology, Xavier University
M.Ed. School Counseling, Xavier University

Teaching Philosophy

Important skills I want to teach my students

One of the most important skills we can teach students is problem solving. If they leave us with the ability to look at a problem, explore all the aspects of the problem, test a variety of theories related to the problem, and then determine the best solution, this will help them in all aspects of their lives beyond Seven Hills.

Teaching methods to reach these goals

One method I use to encourage problem solving is very simple. I try not to answer questions students could answer on their own. I might talk them through a process that helps to lead them to a solution on their own, but I try not to solve it for them. It is our job to help students gain confidence by intentionally planning opportunities for them to problem solve.

My favorite projects

A favorite unit to teach is related to our unit on Meiosis and Genetics.  An activity I really enjoy during that unit is something we call Monster Genetics. Students are given “chromosomes” that would be found in a cell of their monster. Using the information they have learned about genetics, they determine what their monster will look like and create a picture of their monster. We then create monster sex cells after we model meiosis and create monster babies. Students use the same process to determine what the monster baby will look like and create its picture. This activity allows students to understand an abstract concept by making it very hands-on and visual.