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Katey Parks-Goad

Doherty Lower School Unit III Teacher
B.S. Early Childhood Education, Miami University
M.F.A. Creative Writing, Miami University

Teaching Philosophy

 Important skills I want to teach my students

The most important skill I want to teach my students is the power of their pen. As a passionate writer, myself, I want my students to know their writing is important and hone their writing, developing a unique voice in writing, enhancing individual expression, and fostering authenticity in their work. This skill empowers students to articulate their ideas with clarity and impact, enabling them to engage their audience.

Teaching methods to reach these goals

To help my students develop their writing voice, I begin by encouraging them to explore various writing styles and genres. In class and through their weekly journal entries, I provide my students with diverse writing prompts and examples to inspire creativity. I often encourage my students to experiment and self-reflect to guide them in identifying what resonates with them. Through practice and constructive feedback, my students refine their voices and discover their unique blend of tone, vocabulary, and style.

My favorite project

I have several favorite projects and activities throughout the year. However, one ongoing activity that I genuinely love is Genius Hour. During this time, my fourth and fifth graders are given true ownership of their learning as they research and create a project about any topic they find interesting. Once they have completed their project, they present their learning to the class and immediately work on a proposal for their next Genius Hour idea. Throughout the year, my students experiment with many different ways and mediums to present their learning. We all learn about countless topics and have a blast!

What I like best about teaching at Seven Hills

I absolutely love teaching at Seven Hills and being a part of this wonderful community. What I enjoy most is the amount of professional development opportunities given to teachers. From attending professional conferences to creating a particular club for students, I feel supported to develop and hone my skills as an educator and encouraged to accomplish my many professional and personal goals.