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Upper School Physical Education

We want to help each of our Upper School students live a life of physical fitness, healthy nutrition, and responsible decision-making.

Making Wellness a Priority

Our goal is to give students frequent opportunities to develop their minds, bodies, and spirits. We work to create an atmosphere of wellness in our classrooms that extends into the community, by instilling the values of physical fitness, good character, skill building, and an overall healthy lifestyle. By teaching our students about current facts and practices for physical fitness, healthy living, and leisure-time pursuits, we hope that they gain a sense of responsible decision-making that leads to active, healthy, and productive lifestyles.


This course provides students with a broad range of tools to be fit for a lifetime. Students practice team sports such as soccer, cricket, floor hockey, basketball, lacrosse, and football, as well as a range of fitness activities like weight lifting, yoga, Pilates, and interval workouts.

In their sophomore year, students explore a variety of lifetime sports and activities such as golf, tennis, ultimate Frisbee, cornhole, softball, and bowling, as well as fitness exercises that promote stress relief and healthier living. In addition to guided meditation and self-defense practice, students learn new workouts in the weight room and fitness routines that they can use for the rest of their lives.

Required for sophomores, this course takes a holistic approach to wellness, encouraging students to become active participants in improving and maintaining their health. A wide variety of topics are covered, such as physical activity, nutrition, stress management, drug education, and healthy relationships and sex education. Students also learn First Aid and CPR.