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Middle School History

Our students learn to view contemporary issues through a historical lens, becoming well-informed, engaged citizens along the way.

Finding Global Connections

Our curriculum gives students the opportunity to develop the skills to analyze sources, do basic research, and understand the physical world around them and the cultures that inhabit it. We want to provide students with an understanding of American and modern world history, while also enabling them to understand the historical context that shapes the world in which they live. Every course in our Middle School Social Studies curriculum works to emphasize the link between historical events and current events, designed to help students become informed and engaged citizens as they become increasingly aware of the world. Students engage in deep research and source analysis, learning how to separate fact from fiction and identify bias.


This sixth-grade course is a geographical study of the earth designed to increase students’ physical, political, and cultural awareness of the world and its people, and how lives are influenced by climate, topography, landforms, and natural resources, as well as by history, customs, and culture. Students work on inquiry-based projects that use current and past events to help pursue in-depth investigations of life in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

Our curriculum for seventh grade focuses on our nation’s dedication to individual and civil rights, and their evolution and endurance in our changing socio-economic and political landscape. While exploring the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, students come to understand the driving forces that have pushed America from its earliest days as a set of colonies to its current position as one of the most influential countries in the world.

In eighth grade, students examine the political philosophy of the Enlightenment and the origins of the industrial world, as well as the major events of the 20th and 21st centuries, through the lens of personal choice and long-term consequences. Working collaboratively, students also make meaningful connections between classes and across time.