Student Musicians Shine through Obstacles Presented by Pandemic
Though they waded through a slew of performance cancellations from last spring 2020 until the present, what the Upper School Contemporary Ensemble didn’t cancel was a recent recorded performance in The Schiff Center, said instrumental music teacher John Rising. Rising applauded his hard-working, dedicated student musicians. “They have worked through lots of obstacles—noisy air purifiers, masks, bells muffled and not being able to hear each other play, and not being able to hear me, though that may have been selective hearing,” said Rising jokingly. “This semester has taught us all to be resilient and to persevere.” Rising thanked technical theater director Trey Tatum and fine and performing arts department chair Tina Kuhlman. “Mrs. Kuhlman wants nothing more than to see our kids perform,” said Rising. “She should be given all credit in the archives for ensuring our programs not only survive this year but thrive in these difficult times.”