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Exploring Themes of Magic-realism and the Fantastic in AP Spanish

Literature Students in Ismael Godoy’s Upper School AP Spanish Literature class read and experience complex texts from the Middle Ages through the 20th century throughout the school year. Godoy said the students’ readings typically focus on genres such as poetry, prose, and theater of the absurd, to name a few. “The themes we cover are not only universal but diverse as well, such as societies in contact, the constructions of gender, time and space, interpersonal relationships, the dual nature of the individual, and literary creation,” said Godoy. He said his students are currently reading “Abriendo Puertas: Ampliando Perspectivas” by Wayne Scott Bowen and Bonnie Tucker Bowen. He said students will soon explore themes, such as fantastic, the dual nature of the individual, magic realism, in texts written by Carlos Fuentes, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, and Garcia Márquez. “Besides learning about diverse cultures and time periods, these deep studies and readings in Spanish allow the students to improve their listening, reading, and writing skills, as well as be able to compose expository passages and express ideas orally with accuracy and fluency.”