Students, Teachers Share in Life-long Reading Journey
During the first week of school, Upper School students and faculty and staff from all disciplines met in small groups to discuss the books they read over the summer. Upper School English teacher Marielle Newton started the Summer Reading Program five years ago to show students that reading is a life-long journey. All Upper School faculty and staff have an opportunity to pick a book and students then give their top five choices to Newton, who organizes them into groups. The choices this summer ranged from “Hiroshima” by John Hersey to “The Woman Who Smashed Codes” by Jason Fagone to “Who Gets In” by Jeff Selingo. “Students love sitting in a book discussion with their math teacher discussing a novel that has nothing to do with math. It’s a great way for kids from different grade levels to be together discussing a shared interest,” Newton said. In one break-out group, Upper School Dean of Students David Brott, who also teaches math, led the talk about “The Return of the King” by J.R.R. Tolkien, a book he has enjoyed since childhood. They covered the book’s themes of corruption, purity, facing death, and dealing with evil.