Students inducted into World Languages Honor Societies
Forty-five Upper School students were inducted into the Chinese, French, Latin, and Spanish national honor societies in a series of ceremonies in April. “Learning a language and traveling is about changing our perspective and changing how we see the world. Traveling is transformative and it allows us to see the world through the eyes of other people and other cultures. It makes us more tolerant and more compassionate to people who are different,” said Chair of the Upper School World Languages Department Teresa Bardon. Congrats to sophomores Celine Tan and Mikul Wyer; juniors Logan Bien, Olivia Pohl, Kathryn Shao, andShanaya Bharucha; and senior Collin Chen for their induction into the Chinese National Honor Society. Congrats to sophomore Lelia Backshaw-Brown; juniors Ariane Briguet, Mallory Dorsch, Mia Mason, Catherine McAndrew, Saloni Sachdeva, Evan VordemEsche, and Annalise Wabler; and seniors Cece Hood, Aanya Anand, Rosalie Hoar, Julia Moser, Allie Nathan, Meg Seshiah, Daniela Amadeo-Muniz, Jacky Hou, Jenny Hu, Miranda Kerr, Elsa Lick, Loura Ma, and Martina Miquelarena for their induction into the French National Honor Society. Congrats to juniors Anna Papakirk and Aana Shenai; and seniors Rama Alshami, Kevin Chen, Eliza Kite, Angel Liang, Joshua Porter, and Alexis Veldhuis for their induction into the Spanish Honor Society. Congrats to juniors Elias Butress, Erin Finn, Beau Goldstein, Biz Kohnen, Jared Kraus, Zach Mason, George Mentrup, Julia Tamai, and Edie Tesfaye for their induction in the National Junior Classical League Latin Honor Society.