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Sara Snyder

Lotspeich Lower School Fourth Grade Teacher
B.S. Elementary Education, Ohio University
M.Ed. Instructional Technology, University of Maryland

Teaching Philosophy

Important skills I want to teach my students

It is important to teach children about problem solving. As a math teacher, I expose students to different types of problems and give them opportunities to solve them individually or collaboratively with other students. It is also important to encourage persistence in problem solving.

Teaching methods to reach these goals

We use the Everyday Math program in which students are exposed to different methods of solving problems, using partial and traditional algorithms. We have integrated the Singapore Math program in which the students use model drawing to solve problems. My students have a weekly problem solving class in which they are encouraged to use a variety of methods to solve problems, draw a picture, make a list, organize the data, brainstorm, etc. They are exposed to various types of problems, including spatial problems, multistep problems, and logic problems.

My favorite projects

We have a wonderful field trip each spring when we go to Camp Kern. We spend three days and two nights bringing the fourth-grade social studies curriculum to life. Prior to going to Camp Kern, the students study Ohio History. While we are at Camp Kern, the students learn even more about the topic through hands-on experiences. We hike to Fort Ancient, reenact the Treaty of Greenville, “meet” early settlers from Ohio, and do team building activities. The students have such a wonderful time and learn so much in the process.

What I like best about teaching at Seven Hills

Seven Hills encourages the development of unique and creative unit studies. The students are actively engaged in class lessons and are eager to participate. There is a sense of community, caring and family here.